and pre-prints
Here are links to
papers that use NSD data.
- Fractional Ridge Regression: a Fast,
Interpretable Reparameterization of Ridge Regression.
Rokem, A. & Kay, K. GigaScience (2020).
- Extensive sampling for complete
models of individual brains.
Naselaris, T., Allen, E., & Kay, K. Current Opinion in Behavioral
Sciences (2021).
- A massive 7T fMRI dataset to bridge
cognitive neuroscience and artificial intelligence.
Allen, St-Yves, Wu, Breedlove, Prince, Dowdle, Nau,
Caron, Pestilli, Charest, Hutchinson, Naselaris*, &
Kay*. Nature Neuroscience (2022).
- NeuroGen: activation optimized image
synthesis for discovery neuroscience.Gu,
Z., Jamison, K.W., Khosla, M., Allen, E.J., Wu, Y.,
Naselaris, T., Kay, K., Sabuncu, M.R., Kuceyeski, A.NeuroImage (2022).
- Non-Neural Factors Influencing BOLD
Response Magnitudes within Individual Subjects.Kurzawski,
J.W., Gulban, O.F., Jamison, K., Winawer, J.*, Kay, K.*
Journal of Neuroscience (2022).
- Improving the accuracy of
single-trial fMRI response estimates using GLMsingle.Prince, J.S.,
Charest, I., Kurzawski, J.W., Pyles, J.A., Tarr, M.J.,
Kay, K.N. eLife (2022).
- Personalized visual encoding model
construction with small data.Zijin
Gu, Keith Jamison, Mert Sabuncu, and Amy KuceyeskiCommunications Biology (2022).
- Selectivity for food in human ventral
visual cortex.Nidhi
Jain, Aria Wang, Margaret M. Henderson, Ruogu Lin, Jacob
S. Prince, Michael J. Tarr, and Leila WehbeCommunications Biology (2023).
- Short-term plasticity in the human
visual thalamus.Jan W
Kurzawski, Claudia Lunghi, Laura Biagi, Michela Tosetti,
Maria Concetta Morrone, Paola BindaeLife (2022).
- Color-biased regions in the ventral
visual pathway are food selective.Pennock,
I.M.L., Racey, C., Allen, E.J., Wu, Y., Naselaris, T.,
Kay, K.N., Franklin, A., Bosten, J.M.Current Biology (2022).
- Multiple Traces and Altered
Signal-to-Noise in Systems Consolidation:
Complementary Evidence from the 7T fMRI Natural Scenes
T.J., Boly, M., Allen, E.J., Wu, Y., Naselaris, T., Kay,
K., Cirelli, C., Tononi, G.PNAS (2022).
- The risk of bias in data denoising
methods: examples from neuroimaging.Kay,
K.PLoS One (2022).
- A Highly Selective Response to Food
in Human Visual Cortex Revealed by Hypothesis-Free
Voxel Decomposition.Meenakshi Khosla,
N. Apurva Ratan Murty, Nancy G KanwisherCurrent Biology (2022).
- Low-level tuning biases in higher
visual cortex reflect the semantic informativeness of
visual features.Margaret
Henderson, Michael J. Tarr, Leila WehbeJournal of Vision (2023).
- Re-expression of CA1 and entorhinal
activity patterns preserves temporal context memory at
long timescales.Futing
Zou, Wanjia Guo, Emily J. Allen, Yihan Wu, Ian Charest,
Thomas Naselaris, Kendrick Kay, Brice A. Kuhl, J.
Benjamin Hutchinson, Sarah DuBrowNature Communications (2023).
- A texture statistics encoding model
reveals hierarchical feature selectivity across human
visual cortex.Margaret
M. Henderson, Michael J. Tarr,
Leila WehbeJournal of Neuroscience (2023).
- Natural scene sampling reveals
reliable coarse-scale orientation tuning in human V1.Roth,
Z.N., Kay, K.*, Merriam, E.P.*Nature Communications (2022).
- Representations in human primary
visual cortex drift over time.Roth,
Z.N., Merriam, E.P.Nature Communications (2023).
- Human brain responses are modulated
when exposed to optimized natural images or
synthetically generated imagesZijin
Gu, Keith Jamison, Mert R. Sabuncu, and Amy KuceyeskiCommunications Biology (2023).
- Brain-optimized deep neural networks
of human visual areas learn non-hierarchical
G., Allen, E.J., Wu, Y., Kay, K.*, Naselaris, T.* Nature Communications (2023).
- Natural scene reconstruction from
fMRI signals using generative latent diffusionFurkan
Ozcelik and Rufin VanRullen.Scientific Reports (2023).
- Better models of human high-level
visual cortex emerge from natural language supervision
with a large and diverse dataset.Wang,
A.Y., Kay, K., Naselaris, T., Tarr, M.J., Wehbe, L.Nature Machine Intelligence
- Encoding of Visual Objects in the
Human Medial Temporal LobeYue
Wang, Runnan Cao and Shuo WangJournal of Neuroscience (2024).
- Mind-bridge: reconstructing visual
images based on diffusion model from human brain
Liu, Hongqing Zhu, Ning Chen, Bingcang Huang, Weiping Lu
& Ying WangSignal, Image and Video Processing
- A unifying framework for functional
organization in early and higher ventral visual cortexEshed
Margalit, Hyodong Lee, Dawn Finzi, James J. DiCarlo,
Kalanit Grill-Spector, Daniel L.K. YaminsNeuron (2024).
- Natural scenes reveal diverse
representations of 2D and 3D body pose in the human
Zhu, Yijun Ge, Alexander Bratch, Alan Yuille, Kendrick
Kay, Daniel KerstenPNAS (2024).
- Retrieving and reconstructing
conceptually similar images from fMRI with latent
diffusion models and a neuro-inspired brain decoding
Ferrante, Tommaso Boccato, Luca Passamonti, and Nicola
ToschiJournal of Neural Engineering
- Large-scale parameters framework with
large convolutional kernel for encoding visual fMRI
activity informationShuxiao
Ma, Linyuan Wang, Senbao Hou, Chi Zhang, Bin YanCerebral Cortex (2024).
- Primate brain: A unique connection
between dorsal and ventral visual cortexJason
D. YeatmanCurrent Biology (2024).
- Frontostriatal salience network
expansion in individuals in depressionCharles
J. Lynch, Immanuel G. Elbau, Tommy Ng, Aliza Ayaz,
Shasha Zhu, Danielle Wolk, Nicola Manfredi, Megan
Johnson, Megan Chang, Jolin Chou, Indira Summerville,
Claire Ho, Maximilian Lueckel, Hussain Bukhari, Derrick
Buchanan, Lindsay W. Victoria, Nili Solomonov, Eric
Goldwaser, Stefano Moia, Cesar Caballero-Gaudes,
Jonathan Downar, Fidel Vila-Rodriguez, Zafiris J.
Daskalakis, Daniel M. Blumberger, Kendrick Kay, Amy
Aloysi, Evan M. Gordon, Mahendra T. Bhati, Nolan
Williams, Jonathan D. Power, Benjamin Zebley, Logan
Grosenick, Faith M. Gunning & Conor ListonNature (2024).
- Contrastive learning explains the
emergence and function of visual category-selective
S. Prince, George
A. Alvarez, and Talia
KonkleScience Advances (2024).
- A large-scale examination of
inductive biases shaping high-level visual
representation in brains and machinesColin
Conwell, Jacob S. Prince, Kendrick N. Kay, George A.
Alvarez & Talia KonkleNature Communications (2024).
- NeuralDiffuser: Neuroscience-inspired
Diffusion Guidance for fMRI Visual ReconstructionHaoyu
Li, Hao Wu, Badong ChenIEEE Transactions on Image
Processing (2025).
- Unraveling the Differential
Efficiency of Dorsal and Ventral Pathways in Visual
Semantic DecodingWei
Huang, Ying Tang, Sizhuo Wang, Jingpeng Li, Kaiwen
Cheng, and Hongmei YanInternational Journal of Neural
Systems (2025).
- The human social cognitive network
contains multiple regions within the amygdala.
Edmonds, D., Salvo, J.J., Anderson, N., Lakshman, M.,
Yang, Q., Kay, K., Zelano, C., Braga, R.M. Science Advances (2024).
- Situating the salience and parietal
memory networks in the context of multiple parallel
distributed networks using precision functional
mapping. Kwon, Y.H., Salvo, J.J., Anderson, N.L.,
Edmonds, D., Holubecki, A.M., Lakshman, M., Yoo, K., Yeo
B.T.T., Kay, K., Gratton, C., Braga, R.M. Cell Reports (2025).
Here are links to
conference papers and pre-prints that use NSD data.
- What can 5.17 billion regression fits
tell us about artificial models of the human visual
Conwell, Jacob S. Prince, George A. Alvarez, Talia
KonkleNeurIPS SVRHM workshop (2021).
- Large-Scale Benchmarking of Diverse
Artificial Vision Models in Prediction of 7T Human
Neuroimaging Data.Colin
Conwell, Jacob S. Prince, George A.
Alvarez, Talia KonklebioRxiv (2022).
- High-level visual areas act like
domain-general filters with strong selectivity and
functional specialization.Meenakshi
Khosla, Leila WehbebioRxiv (2022).
- Semantic scene descriptions as an
objective of human visionDoerig,
A., Kietzmann, T.C., Allen, E., Wu, Y., Naselaris, T.,
Kay, K., Charest, I.arXiv (2022).
- Mind Reader: Reconstructing complex
images from brain activities.Sikun
Lin, Thomas Sprague, Ambuj K Singh.arXiv (2022).
- High-resolution image reconstruction
with latent diffusion models from human brain
Y., Nishimoto, S.bioRxiv (2022).
- Decoding natural image stimuli from
fMRI data with a surface-based convolutional network.Zijin
Gu, Keith Jamison, Amy Kuceyeski, Mert
SabuncuarXiv (2022).
- Sample Reweighting for Label
Denoising of Neural Activity DataDongfang
Xu, Rong ChenIEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural
Engineering (2023)
- The Algonauts Project 2023 Challenge:
How the Human Brain Makes Sense of Natural Scenes.A.T.
Gifford, B. Lahner, S. Saba-Sadiya, M.G. Vilas, A.
Lascelles, A. Oliva, K. Kay, G. Roig, R.M. Cichy.arXiv (2023).
- Neural Selectivity for Real-World
Object Size In Natural ImagesAndrew
F. Luo, Leila Wehbe, Michael J. Tarr,
Margaret M. HendersonbioRxiv (2023)
- MindDiffuser: Controlled Image
Reconstruction from Human Brain Activity with Semantic
and Structural DiffusionYizhuo Lu,
Changde Du, Dianpeng Wang, Huiguang HearXiv (2023).
- The transition from vision to
language: distinct patterns of functional connectivity
for sub-regions of the visual word form areaMaya Yablonski, Iliana
I Karipidis, Emily Kubota, Jason
D YeatmanbioRxiv (2023).
- Reconstructing seen images from human
brain activity via guided stochastic searchReese
Kneeland, Jordyn Ojeda, Ghislain St-Yves, Thomas
NaselarisarXiv (2023).
- BrainCLIP: Bridging Brain and
Visual-Linguistic Representation Via CLIP for Generic
Natural Visual Stimulus DecodingYulong Liu,
Yongqiang Ma, Wei Zhou, Guibo Zhu, Nanning ZhengarXiv (2023).
- Brain Captioning: Decoding human
brain activity into images and textMatteo
Ferrante, Furkan Ozcelik, Tommaso Boccato, Rufin
VanRullen, Nicola ToschiarXiv (2023).
- A Unifying Principle for the
Functional Organization of Visual CortexEshed
Margalit, Hyodong Lee, Dawn Finzi, James J. DiCarlo,
Kalanit Grill-Spector, Daniel L. K. YaminsarXiv (2023).
- Reconstructing the Mind’s Eye:
fMRI-to-Image with Contrastive Learning and Diffusion
PriorsPaul S.
Scotti*, Atmadeep Banerjee*, Jimmie Goode, Stepan
Shabalin, Alex Nguyen, Ethan Cohen, Aidan J. Dempster,
Nathalie Verlinde, Elad Yundler, David Weisberg, Kenneth
A. Norman*, and Tanishq Mathew Abraham*arXiv (2023).
- Brain Dissection: fMRI-trained
Networks Reveal Spatial Selectivity in the Processing
of Natural ImagesGabriel
H. Sarch, Michael J. Tarr, Katerina Fragkiadaki, Leila
WehbearXiv (2023).
- Second Sight: Using brain-optimized
encoding models to align image distributions with
human brain activityReese
Kneeland, Jordyn Ojeda, Ghislain St-Yves, Thomas
NaselarisarXiv (2023).
- Brain Diffusion for Visual
Exploration: Cortical Discovery using Large Scale
Generative Models.Andrew
F. Luo, Margaret M. Henderson, Leila Wehbe, Michael J.
TarrarXiv (2023). [NeurIPS
2023 (Oral)].
- Improving visual image reconstruction
from human brain activity using latent diffusion
models via multiple decoded inputs.Yu Takagi,
Shinji NishimotoarXiv (2023).
- DreamCatcher: Revealing the Language
of the Brain with fMRI using GPT EmbeddingSubhrasankar
Chatterjee, Debasis SamantaarXiv (2023).
- What can 1.8 billion regressions tell
us about the pressures shaping high-level visual
representation in brains and machines?Colin
Conwell, Jacob S. Prince, Kendrick N. Kay, George A.
Alvarez, Talia KonklebioRxiv (2023)
Nguyen, Xudong Liu, Xin Li, Khoa LuuarXiv (2023)
- Memory Encoding ModelHuzheng
Yang, James Gee, Jianbo ShiarXiv (2023)
- Applicability of scaling laws to
vision encoding modelsTakuya
Matsuyama, Kota S Sasaki, Shinji NishimotoarXiv (2023).
- A contrastive coding account of
category selectivity in the ventral visual streamJacob
S. Prince, George A. Alvarez,
Talia KonklebioRxiv (2023).
- Predicting brain activity using
Adeli, Sun Minni, Nikolaus KriegeskortebioRxiv (2023).
- A Parameter-efficient Multi-subject
Model for Predicting fMRI ActivityConnor Lane,
Gregory KiararXiv (2023).
- Expansion of a frontostriatal
salience network in individuals with depressionCharles
J. Lynch, I. Elbau, Tommy Ng, Aliza Ayaz, Shasha Zhu,
Nicola Manfredi, Megan A. Johnson, Daniel L Wolk,
Jonathan D. Power, E. Gordon, Kendrick Norris Kay, A.
Aloysi, Stefano Moia, C. Caballero-Gaudes, L. Victoria,
N. Solomonov, E. Goldwaser, Benjamin Zebley, L.
Grosenick, J. Downar, F. Vila-Rodriguez, Z. Daskalakis,
D. Blumberger, N. Williams, F. Gunning, C. ListonbioRxiv (2023).
- UniBrain: Unify Image Reconstruction
and Captioning All in One Diffusion Model from Human
Brain ActivityWeijian Mai,
Zhijun ZhangarXiv (2023).
- A Multimodal Visual Encoding Model
Aided by Introducing Verbal Semantic InformationMa Shuxiao,
Wang Linyuan, Yan BinarXiv (2023).
- Through their eyes: multi-subject
Brain Decoding with simple alignment techniquesMatteo
Ferrante, Tommaso Boccato, and Nicola ToschiarXiv (2023).
- Direct perception of affective
valence from visionSaeedeh
Sadeghi, Zijin Gu, Eve DeRosa, Amy
Kuceyeski, Adam
K. AndersonpsyArXiv (2023).
- Dissociable contributions of the
medial parietal cortex to recognition memorySeth R.
Koslov, Joseph W. Kable, & Brett L. FosterbioRxiv (2023).
Liang, Xiangyu Zhang, Qiong Li, Lai Wei, Hexin Liu,
Avisha Kumar, Kelley M. Kempski Leadingham, Joshua
Punnoose, Leibny Paola Garcia, Amir ManbachiarXiv (2023).
- Cortical and subcortical brain
networks predict prevailing heart rateAmy
Isabella Sentis, Javier Rasero, Peter
J. Gianaros, Timothy D. VerstynenbioRxiv (2023).
- DREAM: Visual Decoding from REversing
HumAn Visual SysteMWeihao
Xia, Raoul de Charette, Cengiz Oztireli, Jing-Hao XuearXiv (2023).
- BrainSCUBA: Fine-Grained Natural
Language Captions of Visual Cortex SelectivityAndrew
F. Luo, Margaret M. Henderson, Michael J. Tarr, Leila
WehbearXiv (2023).
Klindt, Sophia Sanborn, Francisco Acosta, Fr ́ed ́eric
Poitevin, Nina MiolanearXiv (2023).
- fMRI-PTE: A Large-scale fMRI
Pretrained Transformer Encoder for Multi-Subject Brain
Activity DecodingXuelin
Qian, Yun Wang, Jingyang Huo, Jianfeng Feng, Yanwei FuarXiv (2023).
Benchetrit, Hubert Banville, Jean-Remi KingarXiv (2023).
- Soft Matching Distance: A metric on
neural representations that captures single-neuron
Khosla, Alex H. WilliamsarXiv (2023).
- Brainformer: Modeling MRI Brain
Functions to Machine VisionXuan-Bac
Nguyen , Xin Li, Samee U. Khan, Khoa LuuarXiv (2023)
- Brain Decodes Deep NetsHuzheng
Yang, James Gee*, Jianbo Shi*arXiv (2023)
- OneLLM: One Framework to Align All
Modalities with LanguageJiaming Han,
Kaixiong Gong, Yiyuan Zhang, Jiaqi Wang, Kaipeng Zhang,Dahua Lin,
Yu Qiao, Peng Gao, Xiangyu YuearXiv (2023).
- Lite-Mind: Towards Efficient and
Versatile Brain Representation NetworkZixuan Gong,
Qi Zhang, Duoqian Miao, Guangyin Bao, Liang HuarXiv (2023).
- Multimodal decoding of human brain
activity into images and textMatteo
Ferrante, Tommaso Boccato, Furkan Ozcelik, Rufin
VanRullen, Nicola ToschiNeurIPS (2023).
Thual, Yohann Benchetrit, Felix Geilert, Jeremy Rapin,
Iurii Makarov, Hubert Banville, Jean-Remi KingarXiv (2023).
- Brain-optimized inference improves
reconstructions of fMRI brain activityReese
Kneeland, Jordyn Ojeda, Ghislain St-Yves, Thomas
NaselarisarXiv (2023).
- Body Cosmos: An Immersive Experience
Driven by Real-Time Bio-DataRem
RunGu Lin; Yongen Ke; Kang ZhangIEEE VIS Arts Program (VISAP)
- MinD-3D: Reconstruct High-quality 3D
objects in Human BrainJianxiong
Gao, Yuqian Fu, Yun Wang, Xuelin Qian, Jianfeng Feng,
Yanwei FuarXiv (2023).
- A single computational objective
drives specialization of streams in visual cortexDawn
Finzi, Eshed Margalit, Kendrick Kay, Daniel L. K.
Yamins, Kalanit Grill-SpectorbioRxiv (2023).
- Evaluation of Representational
Similarity Scores Across Human Visual CortexFrancisco
Acosta, Colin Conwell, Sophia
Sanborn, David A. Klindt, Nina MiolaneNeurIPS (2023).
- A randomized algorithm to solve
reduced rank operator regressionGiacomo
Turri*, Vladimir Kostic*, Pietro Novelli*, and
Massimiliano PontilarXiv (2023).
- Aligned with LLM: a new multi-modal
training paradigm for encoding fMRI activity in visual
cortexShuxiao Ma,
Linyuan Wang, Senbao Hou, Bin YanarXiv (2024).
- Recent statistics shift object
representations in parahippocampal cortexSolomon,
S.H., Kay, K., & Schapiro, A.C.bioRxiv (2024).
- Parsing Brain Network Specialization:
A Replication and Expansion of Wang et al. (2014)Madeline
Peterson, Dorothea L. Floris, and Jared A. NielsenbioRxiv (2024).
Zhou, Changde Du, Shengpei Wang and Huiguang HeICLR (2024).
- NeuralDiffuser: Controllable fMRI
Reconstruction with Primary Visual Feature Guided
DiffusionHaoyu Li,
Hao Wu, Badong ChenarXiv (2024).
- Visual Image Reconstruction from
Human Brain Activity using Linear Image Decoders plus
Nonlinear Noise SuppressionQiang
LibioRxiv (2024).
- See Through Their Minds: Learning
Transferable Neural Representation from Cross-Subject
fMRI Yulong
Liu, Yongqiang Ma, Guibo Zhu, Haodong Jing, and Nanning
ZhengarXiv (2024).
- Inter-individual and inter-site
neural code conversion and image reconstruction
without shared stimuliHaibao Wang,
Jun Kai Ho, Fan L. Cheng, Shuntaro C. Aoki, Yusuke
Muraki, Misato Tanaka, Yukiyasu KamitaniarXiv (2024).
- NeuroPictor: Refining fMRI-to-Image
Reconstruction via Multi-individual Pretraining and
Multi-level ModulationJingyang
Huo, Yikai Wang, Xuelin Qian, Yun Wang, Chong Li,
Jianfeng Feng, Yanwei FuarXiv (2024).
- Psychometry: An Omnifit Model for
Image Reconstruction from Human Brain ActivityRuijie Quan,
Wenguan Wang, Zhibo Tian, Fan Ma, Yi YangarXiv (2024).
- Reconstructing Retinal Visual Images
from 3T fMRI Data Enhanced by Unsupervised LearningYujian
Xiong, Wenhui Zhu, Zhong-Lin Lu, Yalin WangarXiv (2024).
- Unified Multimodal Decoding of Brain
SignalsWeihao Xia,
Raoul de Charette, Cengiz Oztireli, Jing-Hao XuearXiv (2024).
- MindBridge: A Cross-Subject Brain
Decoding FrameworkShizun Wang,
Songhua Liu, Zhenxiong Tan, Xinchao WangarXiv (2024).
- Functional Brain-to-Brain
Transformation with No Shared DataNavve
Wasserman, Roman Beliy, Roy Urbach, and Michal IraniarXiv (2024).
- MindTuner: Cross-Subject Visual
Decoding with Visual Fingerprint and Semantic
Gong, Qi Zhang, Guangyin Bao, Lei Zhu, Ke Liu, Liang Hu,
Duoqian MiaoarXiv (2024).
- Wills Aligner: A Robust Multi-Subject
Brain Representation LearnerGuangyin
Bao, Zixuan Gong, Qi Zhang, Jialei Zhou, Wei Fan, Kun
Yi, Usman Naseem, Liang Hu, Duoqian MiaoarXiv (2024).
- Integrated Gradient Correlation: a
Dataset-wise Attribution MethodPierre
Lelièvre, Chien-Chung ChenarXiv (2024).
- Disentangling signal and noise in
neural responses through generative modelingKay,
K., Prince, J.S., Gebhart, T., Tuckute, G., Zhou, J.,
Naselaris, T., Schutt, H.bioRxiv (2024).
- Neuro-Vision to Language: Image
Reconstruction and Language enabled Interaction via
Brain RecordingsGuobin
Shen, Dongcheng Zhao, Xiang He, Linghao Feng, Yiting
Dong, Jihang Wang, Qian Zhang and Yi ZengarXiv (2024).
- Automating the Diagnosis of Human
Vision Disorders by Cross-modal 3D GenerationLi
Zhang, Yuankun Yang, Ziyang Xie, Zhiyuan Yuan, Jianfeng
Feng, Xiatian Zhu, and Yu-Gang JiangarXiv (2024)
- MindShot: Brain Decoding Framework
Using Only One ImageShuai
Jiang, Zhu Meng, Delong Liu, Haiwen Li, Fei Su and
Zhicheng ZhaoarXiv (2024).
- MindFormer: A Transformer
Architecture for Multi-Subject Brain Decoding via fMRIInhwa
Han, Jaayeon Lee, Jong Chul YearXiv (2024).
- MindSemantix: Deciphering Brain
Visual Experiences with a Brain-Language ModelZiqi
Ren, Jie Li, Xuetong Xue, Xin Li, Fan Yang, Zhicheng
Jiao, Xinbo GaoarXiv (2024).
- The Wisdom of a Crowd of Brains: A
Universal Brain EncoderRoman
Beliy, Navve Wasserman, Amit Zalcher, Michal IraniarXiv (2024)
- Neuro-Vis: Guided Complex Image
Reconstruction from Brain Signals Using Multiple
Semantic and Perceptual ControlsGabriela
M. Balisacan, Anne Therese A. PauloCMLDS '24: Proceedings of the
International Conference on Computing, Machine
Learning and Data Science (2024)
- Privileged representational axes in
biological and artificial neural networksMeenakshi
Khosla, Alex H Williams, Josh McDermott, Nancy KanwisherbioRxiv (2024).
- BrainMAE: A Region-aware
Self-supervised Learning Framework for Brain SignalsYifan
Yang, Yutong Mao, Xufu Liu, Xiao LiuarXiv (2024).
- AlignedCut: Visual Concepts Discovery
on Brain-Guided Universal Feature SpaceHuzheng
Yang, James Gee*, Jianbo Shi*arXiv
- MindLDM: Reconstruct Visual Stimuli
from fMRI Using Latent Diffusion ModelJunhao
Guo; Chanlin Yi; Fali Li; Peng Xu; Yin Tian2024 IEEE International Conference
on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments
for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA)
- NeuroBind: Towards Unified Multimodal
Representations for Neural SignalsFengyu
Yang, Chao Feng, Daniel Wang, Tianye Wang, Ziyao Zeng,
Zhiyang Xu, Hyoungseob Park, Pengliang Ji, Hanbin Zhao,
Yuanning Li, Alex WongarXiv (2024).
- Neural 3D decoding for human vision
diagnosisLi Zhang,
Yuankun Yang, Ziyang Xie, Zhiyuan Yuan, Jianfeng Feng,
Xiatian Zhu, Yu-Gang JiangarXiv (2024).
- Temporal asymmetry of neural
representations predicts memory decisionsZhifang
Ye, Yufei Zhao, Emily J. Allen, Thomas Naselaris,
Kendrick Kay, J. Benjamin Hutchinson, Brice A. KuhlbioRxiv (2024).
- Hierarchical Quantum Control Gates
for Functional MRI UnderstandingXuan-Bac
Nguyen, Hoang-Quan Nguyen, Hugh Churchill, Samee U.
Khan, Khoa LuuarXiv (2024).
Chen & Michael F. BonnerarXiv (2024).
- FedMinds: Privacy-Preserving
Personalized Brain Visual DecodingGuangyin
Bao, Duoqian MiaoarXiv (2024).
- Efficient fMRI and Textual Alignment
for ImageReconstruction from Human Brain ActivityBich-Nga
Pham, Trong-Tai Dam Vu, Anh-Khoa Nguyen Vu, Vinh-Tiep
NguyenResearch Square (2024).
Magesh Gauthaman, Brice Ménard, Michael F. BonnerarXiv (2024).
- fMRI-3D: A Comprehensive Dataset for
Enhancing fMRI-based 3D ReconstructionJianxiong
Gao, Yuqian Fu, Yun Wang, Xuelin Qian, Jianfeng Feng,
Yanwei FuarXiv (2024).
- Unsupervised alignment reveals
structural commonalities and differences in neural
representations of natural scenes across individuals
and brain areasKen
Takeda, Kota Abe, Jun Kitazono, Masafumi OizumibioRxiv (2024).
- Positive and Negative Retinotopic
Codes in the Human HippocampusPeter
A Angeli, Adam Steel, Edward H Silson, Caroline E
RobertsonbioRxiv (2024).
- Decoding the Echoes of Vision from
fMRI: Memory Disentangling for Past Semantic
Xia, Congchi Yin, Piji LiarXiv (2024).
- On the Stability of Reduced-Rank
Ridge RegressionDavid
Degras, Thomas Chapalain, Bertrand ThirionEUSIPCO 2024 - 32nd European signal
processing conference (2024).
- Generalizability analysis of deep
learning predictions of human brain responses to
augmented and semantically novel visual stimuliValentyn
Piskovskyi, Riccardo Chimisso, Sabrina Patania, Tom
Foulsham, Giuseppe Vizzari, and Dimitri OgnibenearXiv (2024).
- Contrastive Learning to Fine-Tune
Feature Extraction Models for the Visual CortexAlex
Mulrooney, Austin
J. BrockmeierarXiv (2024).
F. Luo, Jacob Yeung, Rushikesh Zawar, Shaurya Dewan,
Margaret M. Henderson, Leila Wehbe*, Michael J. Tarr*arXiv (2024).
- Retinotopic coding organizes the
opponent dynamic between internally and externally
oriented brain networksAdam
Steel, Peter A. Angeli, Edward H. Silson, Caroline E.
RobertsonbioRxiv (2024).
- Vicarious Somatotopic Maps Tile
Visual CortexNicholas
Hedger, Thomas Naselaris, Kendrick Kay, Tomas Knapen bioRxiv (2024).
Gao*, Yue Cheng*, Peiyang Li, Yijie Niu, Yifan Ren,
Yiheng Liu, Haiyang Sun, Zhuoyi Li, Weiwei Xing, and
Xintao HuarXiv (2024).
- Finding Shared Decodable Concepts and
their Negations in the BrainCory
Efird, Alex Murphy, Joel Zylberberg, Alona FyshearXiv (2024).
- Towards Neural Foundation Models for
Vision: Aligning EEG, MEG, and fMRI Representations
for Decoding, Encoding, and Modality ConversionMatteo
Ferrante, Tommaso Boccato, Grigorii Rashkov, Nicola
ToschiarXiv (2024).
- In silico discovery of
representational relationships across visual cortexAlessandro
T. Gifford, Maya A. Jastrzębowska, Johannes J.D. Singer,
Radoslaw M. CichyarXiv (2024).
- Quantum-Brain: Quantum-Inspired
Neural Network Approach to Vision-Brain UnderstandingHoang-Quan
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- UniBrain: A Unified Model for
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- Making Your Dreams A Reality:
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- BOLDreams: Dreaming with pruned
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- BRAINGUARD: Privacy-Preserving
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- TopoNets: High performing vision and
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- Scaling laws for decoding images from
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- Talking to the brain: Using Large
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- MindLLM: A Subject-Agnostic and
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- BrainChat: Interactive Semantic
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Sample data acquired on the 8 subjects:
T1-weighted 0.8-mm isotropic MRI,
T2-weighted 0.8-mm isotropic MRI,
T2*-weighted (EPI) 1.8-mm isotropic fMRI